Obtaining a green card is something a lot of people are working on. This is something that will allow you to reside and work in the United States. A visa can be obtained in different ways and for different purposes. The process of obtaining a visa is very long, costly and, above all, frustrating. It involves a lot of paperwork, medical exams and documents that need to be presented to US agencies.
The green card can be obtained as someone that is already in the US files a petition for you. After long months of waiting and processing paperwork with different agencies like the US Citizenship and Immigration Service or the National Visa Center, the green card can be yours. When you have it, the right to reside or work in the United States will be yours for the following 10 years.
Apart from the green card, there are other types of US visas. On of them is the e2 investor visa. You may wonder what this is and to explain, it is best to enumerate the people who can apply for it. Any individual that is a member of a profession with advanced degree can try to be classified in the e2 investor visa category. An advanced degree is considered any degree that is higher than a baccalaureate degree or having such a baccalaureate degree and 5 years of experience in that particular profession.
In the later situation, the 5 years of experience combined with the baccalaureate degree is considered to be equivalent to a master’s degree. However, if for a particular profession a doctoral degree is needed, than that person needs one. Any combination of a degree and years of experience are not considered equivalent. But having a degree does not mean that you will surely get an e2 investor visa.
The person that wants to obtain a visa like that must have a well structured business plan than contains detailed information about the nature and functions of the future business, how high is the initial investment and employment projections. Among these things you can include the prices of property or real estate, employee wages, cost of materials, financial statements and others.
Even though there are lots of sources of information you can choose, there is nothing like talking to a business immigration attorney. This is the best choice for an e2 investor visa applicant to receive the detailed answers he seeks for all of his questions. Such an attorney can help you create formal documents that are necessary, if you provide the required information.
There is also another category included in the e2 investor visa. This includes the persons that have exceptional ability in a certain area. This ability can be defined as the level of expertise that is higher than the average in sciences, arts or business. For someone to qualify as a part of this category, certain criteria of USCIS must be fulfilled.
When you are applying for any type of visa, there are lots of common mistakes that can be made. If you seek a certain type of visa, you must make sure you fit in that category. The information sources must not be outdated. If you submit incomplete documentation, the process will only be longer and more aggravating. In regards to documentation, always make sure that the documents are signed. When you complete non-English documentation, be sure to do it in the company of a translator, otherwise you will make mistakes. Keeping the costs low is always a priority, so any job you can do yourself, do it, and don’t pay a lawyer to do them for you.
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